Originally Posted by jim blanford
WOW!! Junebug, alot of great blooms, thanks for sharing.... Jim.
Thank you Jim. You're very kind.
You and all of the long term OB members must be getting tired of my bloom photos. My budget hasn't allowed me to make new purchases for over a year, so most of my photos are of repeat blooms from the same old plants, mostly noids. By now members must be perceiving my modest collection as boring.
I've been forced to concentrate on other aspects of growing so I can get through orchid purchase withdraw symtoms. This year I focused on divisions and repotting and observed the growth and bloom production after using my own crazy version of organic fertilizer. I've also been concentrating my efforts on a few cattleyas that almost died from scale a few years back. It's been a long road to recovery and those plants are now healthy, but still undersized for their age. My goal for the coming year will be to get them to bloom. I expect a lot out of the plants I do have. They must grow bigger and bloom better until I can afford new ones. If not, I might go off the deep end.