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Old 06-14-2010, 03:22 PM
Tropicgirl Tropicgirl is offline
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Nice job! All your plants look very happy!
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:42 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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I have a couple of questions for you, I'd really appreciate it if you could answer them, as I'm planning on having a shade house built.

1) what type of wood did you use? is it marine treated wood?

2) How tall is it?

3) the slats on the roof--how far apart do you place them? I'm assuming the closer you place them the less sun there will be?

4) the side panels--how thick are they and do they withstand mounting plants? do they come pre-fabricated or did you have to make them yourself?

5) can you hang plants from the roof or is it too much weight?

6) Can you put a door on it or does it have to be open all the time?

7) how hot does it get in there? does it require fans or no?


I've gotten to the point in this hobby where I need to actually build something like this or stop buying plants. I have absolutely zero room for more and I'd like to grow them better.

I appreciate your input and your time to answer my questions.

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Old 06-26-2010, 10:32 PM
Connie Star Connie Star is offline
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Originally Posted by peeweelovesbooks View Post

I need to get married--otherwise I'll never get a shadehouse.
Another reason to get married

My hubby almost has mine finished- it's more like a bench with a superstructure to support shade cloth. I put some of my catts out under an umbrella on the deck. I was afraid it would be too dark, but I get 4000-5000 fc when it's sunny.
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Old 06-28-2010, 07:40 PM
Junebug Junebug is offline
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Originally Posted by peeweelovesbooks View Post

I have a couple of questions for you, I'd really appreciate it if you could answer them, as I'm planning on having a shade house built.

1) what type of wood did you use? is it marine treated wood?

2) How tall is it?

3) the slats on the roof--how far apart do you place them? I'm assuming the closer you place them the less sun there will be?

4) the side panels--how thick are they and do they withstand mounting plants? do they come pre-fabricated or did you have to make them yourself?

5) can you hang plants from the roof or is it too much weight?

6) Can you put a door on it or does it have to be open all the time?

7) how hot does it get in there? does it require fans or no?


I've gotten to the point in this hobby where I need to actually build something like this or stop buying plants. I have absolutely zero room for more and I'd like to grow them better.

I appreciate your input and your time to answer my questions.


There was no real planning that went into this shade house. Hubby came home with a truck load of materials and we commenced putting it together.

My shade house is 9' tall.

The vertical support beams are pressure treated 4 x 4's that were buried in holes filled with quick crete (I think).

The horizontal structural beams are PT 2 x 4's.

The vertical shade slats on the lower level are PT 1 x 2's and I spaced them at about 3/4" intervals. IMO they provide too much shade and in the future I plan to increase their spacing to at least 1".

The roof slats are PT 2 x 2's running EW and evenly spaced the same width as the wood...roughly 2" apart. The 2 x 2's support hanging plants, however, they are reinforced with 2 x 4's.

My husband purchased the cheaper thin, small holed PT lattice. I didn't like it because it's flimsy and doesn't provide good air circulation. To keep "the peace" I gave him permission to hang it on just the N wall. We purchased some of the heavy duty, PT lattice with 4" hole openings and hung it on the upper levels of the remaining walls. It's also reinforced with 2 x 4's. The walls can and do support hanging plants.

At present, the floors are dirt and grass, but this will be ammended in the future.

The doorway faces West and the opening is 8' wide. Hubby ran out patience and 4 x 4's. If not, there would be a narrower door way. I haven't decided whether or not to install doors, but in the future I'd like to enclose it in a little more and design and build something that gives a more charming look to that oversized void.

The shadehouse was built with an overhang, making it a challenge to insulate.

It does get hot in the shade house. I couldn't afford Marty's misting system so I installed an inexpensive misting system designed for cooling patios. The system hooks up to an ordinary water hose and there is no timer involved. Air circulation is decent with no use of fans. I encourage circulation by spacing my plants a healthy distance apart. The 4" lattice also helps.

Last edited by Junebug; 06-28-2010 at 08:16 PM..
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Old 07-03-2010, 01:48 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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Thanks Junebug.
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