I haven't had many orchids in bloom lately since most of mine are fall and winter bloomers.
My Den aphyllum finally bloomed early april. I got this one as a little baby nearly 2 years ago, and for it's first blooming it only put out one flower, but what a beauty!
And the orchid I am most pleased to see bloom, my big Cym! I got it 4 years ago and it hadn't bloomed since then. Turned out that I was being too nice to it. Last summer I stuck it outside where it gets full sun all day and forgot about it except for an occasional watering, and told the poor plant "Bloom or fry!".

The plant got so much sun that it was nearly yellow, but the result was 8 beautiful spikes!(There were 10, but 2 blasted early on) The first ones started blooming in february and it's still going. You can't see all the spikes in the photo, 4 are hidden behind and not blooming yet. The plant is huge, it's in a 12 inch pot!
I also had 2 more phals in bloom, but forgot to take photos before leaving for the USA.