First up is the Onc. Twinkle 'Red Fantasy' I got in a drawing from the Illowa Orchid Society Christmas dinner. It's kind of the worse for wear, I moved three hours across the state at -20 F windchills and my plants got stuffed into boxes to keep them from freezing solid. The flowers are still lovely and smell nice, though!
And next, my big shocker! This plant was divided out and put up as a drawing plant at the OS of Greater St. Louis in November. I got it bare root but was unable to put it in a pot right away. So I sprayed its roots gently every day until I was in a situation where I could pot it (a couple of weeks!). Then, with it precariously balanced, I brought it to my new apartment in the same box as the twinkle above. I put it on the windowsill and sprayed it daily, but was more concerned with unpacking than with inspecting my plants. I came home from Wal Mart to find it on the floor (with potting media all over my wonderful, clean, new carpet!

). I cleaned up and went to repot it and suddenly I noticed that it has SEVERAL flower spikes!
Now, my Den likes to fake me out by putting out flower spikes with blossoms that never open, so when two opened yesterday I nearly went into shock!
There will be more to come, hopefully, and the plant is more stable this time, so hopefully no more dirt on my floor! (Who puts in beige carpet, anyway, landlord? Seriously.)
Oh, and by the way, if anyone knows what the heck it is, please, PLEASE let me know. I've emailed the orchid society to see if anyone ever found out its name, but it never hurts to double check!