Originally Posted by Zildjian
i want to know what kind of dendro species that is. pls. post pics.
Dendro Junceum
@zildjian..thanks for the info.
Just had a little brush in my garden again. As i am typing my updates it just rained and still dark....anyway, just took some photos of my blooming orchids....
i'll take pictures again when all the blooms are open...
my latesipala, i admire it because of its growth, leaf color and root system rather than its minute flowers.
can't wait for this to open...
my garden arsenal. Just had to clean its shelf and to my surprise i only have one type of pesticide and its organic. Some of my ferts here are over 3-4 years old. I hope its not a bad thing
Just a little rant : the pictures are den marcrophyllum, its been with me for almost 4 years. I don't know what happened to it or what's happening. The other one (2nd pic) i tried to put in a new location where there is a lot of sunlight. Let's see if the trick works. Actually, back then it was 4 huge canes and then it just turned into something what you see now in the picture. These are its babies..
Just took some pics of my sleeping beauties..
this is where i put my vanda rattana. the spot receives sunlight in the morning.
Slight OT
For now, this is how my garden looks like....i am still thinking where to put my "pine tree"? If one is going to back track my thread, this spot had an overgrown number of bougainvilleas. What i did is that i cut it back big time (and i had several wounds because of the big thorns) and somehow will control its growth so that next time it wouldn't overimpower the spot again. And i'm planning to put my scented & flowery plants here because this spot receives a lot of sunlight. wish me luck. But i still have a challenge where to plant my "pine tree"? (i think, i just mentioned this earlier)
New look for my fern wall: Just removed some of the big leaves and transferred some ferns to a new place.