I have 4 Phal Golden Peoker x Phal Leopard Princess plants that weren't blooming when I bought them 2 years ago. Now 3 of the 4 have double spikes, and now I finally see what I've been waiting for! Purple Polka dots on white with delicate pink tips, and a burgandy red lip with yellow, burgandy red and purple on the naughty bits.
I also have 2 additional NOID pink/purple phals blooming right now.
And with any luck I'll soon have an Oncidium Pacific Kaleidoscope, as I noticed a little spike last week. This was in bloom when purchased 2 years ago, and hasn't bloomed since.

I did divide it, and the other half may have a spike also, or it might just be growing another PB. Too soon to tell.
All of the plants are in Hydroton S/H this year. The Phals are aclimating slowly, and the leafier orchids are growing like never before! I am a member of over-waters anonymous, and this helps my plants tolerate that affliction better.