The chids have been really happy lately but I had a computer problem and couldn't get the photos posted till now...
A gift from my friend Linda R is first...Epi difforme
Then there's my favorite peloric Phal violacea x (violacea x BeTris)
Then Bc Binosa 'Wabash Valley' which has 3 spikes. It's finally happy here because up until now I've usually only had 1 or 2 blooms!
Next is V Pat Delight...this is my favorite for very sentimental reasons. It was my Mom's favorite plant

and it makes me happy
Next, the first blooming of the plant that started it all for me...E alata with 3 spikes. SO fragrant
Then there's V Mary Foster, I posted a separate thread when this one first started opening but now it's really looking

I was thinking of bringing it for judging last night but couldn't make it
and more ways than warm-growing mystery plant FINALLY did something!