The chids are all seem to be very happy these are a few more that are blooming now:
Rynchostylis coelestis...with 3 spikes this time
Phal cornu-cervi...just lost one bloom but there are more coming in addition to a second spike. Just goes to show...don't give up on the ones you really love
I killed two of these before this baby found it's way to me
Phal equestris (Three Times A Lady x Blue Too)...
this is the one plant I would grab if I could only take one with me
It is a superstar, almost always in bloom, usually multiple spikes, has 4 keikis and two spikes at the moment.
It was a gift from Gin a few years ago and is absolutely my best-growing chid
The last photo shows the blooms from my 2 Prostechea cochleata, sitting next to each other. The cultivar 'John' is a larger plant and has larger blooms. Both of these are also almost always blooming...sometimes they take turns