1. Epi. Don Herman 1 flower
2. Den. Oligophyllum last flower fading, 1 new growth

3. Den. spectabile 1 spile with 15flowers, 5 more spikes Last year 4 spikes w 12 flowers each
last year's bloom

4. Den. Peguanum 4 spikes, 10-12 flowers each
5. Blc. Tller Mueller 4 flowers, 2 more spikes

6. Miltassia Royal Robe ‘Jerry's Pick” 7 flowers on 1 spike, recently sun burned
7. Ctna. Why Not 7 flowers, 1spike

8. Den Lori's Star 7 flowers

9. Den phal noid 7 burgandy flowers on 1spike

10. Ondc twinkle type, stinky pinky 11spikes many flowers starting to fade, one kieki
11. Onc. Tsimu Margierite (white twinkle type) 20 spikes now fading

12. Mpsa. Milt’s Choice ‘Helen of Troy’ 1flower on a spike with 4+buds
1. Den. Cuthersonii flower fading, 7 new growths
2. Den Alexander x Den spectabile 2spiike nubs,5 new canes. Just finished Sept bloom
3. Den lituigorum 2 spikes,2,new canes
4. Odccdm Midnight Miracle 'Highlands' spike
5. Den phal noid, large wht 3 spikes. just finished 2 spikes from Sept
last spike

6. Den x delicatum 10 spikes
7. Brassavola nudosa ‘Little Stars’ 20 spikes
8. Oerstedella centradena 3 buds
9. Iwga. Appleblossum peach spike
10. Den. Kingianium 3 different ones in spike,’Season’s Greetings’.
11. “ ‘Cupid’,
12. “ ‘Connels Corner’
13. 12201P noid phal
14. Den. Alexander x Andree Millar 23 spikes, recently sun burned
15. Bl. Yellow bird 2 spikes
16. Oncdm carnival costume 1 spike
17. Bl morning glory spikes & sheaths
18. Bc maidosa spike
19. Max. Cryptobulbon 1flower bud, 11 more spikes
20. Bl Richard Mueller 2 spikes
21-31. 10 Den. nobile in bud