But this is was told, she's a Ground Orchid.
One I can plant in the ground. She's in a pot right now, in dirt the way it looks.
I just bought it a couple of days ago, with no tags.
Any ideas on her Name??
And/Or how to care for her?
Hey Jacky, those are beautiful. I got some a few weeks ago in Homestead and planted them in the front of the house. They get direct sun from morning till 1pm. I just water them at least once a week and I also fertilize on sundays so they get hit also. I think they're great for landscaping. Yours look great. I bet you'll get more LOL
They have been in the ground to short a period for me to know if they sprad but I dobt they sprad too much cause I was told to plant them about a foot apart only.
They can take full sun I just don't get that much sun where I planted them. That's what the front of my house offers and that's where I needed something.
I will look for a pic of them planted and show you in a few if you want.