Thanks, Wanda, for posting the pics of your arachnis. I have a large sunroom, but I think even it might not be large enough for a plant like that. But I can still continue to dream. :-)
Thanks for the pic. This plant is growing here freely and very popular orchid .
some times several spikes can be seen and stays longer time. I try my best to post a pic too.
I just picked up 3 Arachnis cuttings and I really hope I can get them to grow. So I have them potted in a basket with a mix of 2 thirds sphagnum and one third coconut fiber. After reading up on them I choose this mix in order to encourage new roots to form. Is this a good idea? Any comments are very welcome. Thanks!
Last edited by edub9; 10-21-2013 at 12:54 PM..
Reason: Mistyped "mix"