Overcast skies linger over San Diego in the months of May and June, but the blooms in my backyard keeps things cheery. Overall, things haven't bloomed very well from me this year, from orchids to fruit trees. Maybe it was due to the mild winter we had this year.
Enanthleya Golden Sunburst
A BetterGro bag baby that I had since the time I lived in Atlanta. One of the few Cattleya hybrids I have that seems to be fine in full sun. Has a citrusy-bubblegum fragrance.
First time flowering on
Cattleya violacea.
Second blooming on Laelia jongheana alba. One opened with a fasciated lip
Vanda Pachara Delight
It has a nice fragrance under lights but nothing in the shade. Grows ok here.
Cattleya mossiae semi-alba
Dendrobium linearifolium
Nice reed like dendrobium with a weird bean like p-bulb at the base. It has been on the decline this year... not sure why
still blooms on and off throughout the year.