Curious if you noticed any fragrance on Coelogyne Cristata?
I recently purchased Coelogyne Cristata from Andy's Orchids, she came in two spikes and bloomed after one week, but didn't notice any fragrance and tried sniffing during day and night time almost every day, but didn't notice anything. Here are the pictures taken two / three weeks back.
Curious if you noticed any fragrance on Coelogyne Cristata?
I recently purchased Coelogyne Cristata from Andy's Orchids, she came in two spikes and bloomed after one week, but didn't notice any fragrance and tried sniffing during day and night time almost every day, but didn't notice anything. Here are the pictures taken two / three weeks back.
it does! but not as strong, I've only noticed the scent more during the direct sun of the morning. Youre is just as lovely
My Den bellatulum is a bit behind those of the OP, still just buds. I don't dry mine out, but it lives outside (So. Cal.) so it gets a good chill. (By the way, those shown are gtorgeous! Love the kitty. And Den belatulum does have a great flower-to-plant ratio.)