Here are some blooms that opened while I was away on break.
Lc. Floralia's Azul x C. amethystoglossa
This is probably the easiest orchid I have for me to grow. Sadly it smells terrible...
Encycli-Prostheche-anachili...something sima
Wet grower. Has a very strong and wonderful fragrance. It's floral, sweet, and a little bit citrusy... somewhat like walkeriana.
The buds are dark red and it creates a nice contrast with the white, crystalline blooms. The column has an interesting shape...
NoID - Rhyncholaelia hybrid
A salvaged clearance BetterGro Bag Baby
Another BetterGro Bag baby...
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Thelma Ayako Tsukamoto 'Volcano Queen' Probably damaged from the cold temps outside. still, did ok in 40 oF weather!