Second mass bloom. This time buds open much faster. last year it took this plant many weeks to open two buds. Most likely due to acclamation period. I put bare-root plant into sphagnum. This year it is a matter of days.
Last edited by DaylightFirefly; 06-26-2023 at 09:46 PM..
I do love those hybrids between Den. cuthbertsonii and warmer-growing Dens (in this case D. bracteosum) that produce plants that look and act like Den. cuthbertsonii except they don't die like cuthbertsonii for those of us not growing in a cooler. This one has clearly inherited the cuthbertsonii flower-longevity. Nice!
I do love those hybrids between Den. cuthbertsonii and warmer-growing Dens (in this case D. bracteosum) that produce plants that look and act like Den. cuthbertsonii except they don't die like cuthbertsonii for those of us not growing in a cooler. This one has clearly inherited the cuthbertsonii flower-longevity. Nice!
This orchid proves all your points, which is very nice and encouraging for orchid growers. I was glad to see that 80-90 F did not bake this plant. It survived and continue to develop second bud. It takes forever for bud to open, that is why temperature resistance is important. I will see how roots are doing. I hope to see this plant bloom again! Really like how it looks.