Finally got this one to bloom... got it as a BetterGro bag baby a few years ago. I decided to give it direct sunlight this year since nothing else seemed to help. And help it did. Leaves and p-bulbs/leaves seem fine getting direct sun here. Surprisingly, it's still dark green without any visible purple tint.
I'm happy that this one has great color and form! Smells like fruit loops...
Stunner and I agree as well. Good job listening to her.
I have moved all my encyclia into full or med-high light and I am hoping for similar results. Well done indeed
Thanks! It's surprising how much sun the Encyclicas (and Mexican Laelias) can take. I have an Enc. tampensis mounted on a wood slab and it also seems to enjoy the direct sun. Hope yours blooms soon!
My other encyclias bloom regularly. My alata was also a bag baby from several years ago. It gets catt level light, no blooms. Going outside is encouraging.