'19-06-21 Update:
Been watching these two Catt types for a week or more while hoping that the Oncid would stay healthy until they were ready.
Catt maxima

It looked pretty bad during and after the eruption.
All the leaves were very reddish in color.
I was convinced that it was probably going to die on me, instead it had bloomed very nicely.
From the size of the PBs, I assume it is a highland variety.
Lalea purpurata sanguinea
I had not paid much attention to this one for the last two years.
A few months ago I took the brush cutter and cut the ferns burying it away from around it.
In return it has bloomed nicely.
This is a LARGE plant.
The furthest RH PB is 12" tall.
The upper most blossom is 5" from the dorsal sepal tip to the RH sepal tip with the curl still in them.
Oncidium Sweet Sugar
This one has been in bloom for a few weeks now, probably very close to fading.
Den. moschatum

This one has always bloomed in June.
It did not bloom last year as the eruption was going on.
This blooming is quite feeble, but is happening.
There will be two new un-bloomed PBs for next June.
You can just barely make out the slipper lip opn the lower flower.
I haven't gone up to smelled the fragrance this year.
But, it is one of my favorite fragrances.