I just wanted to tell ya all to go buy her!!!
V. Insignis x Ascda Fuch Gold
Nothing like I've ever seen in an orchid!!!
I would LOVE my home to smell like her, and my BODY too!! I'm telling you, just buy her, and you'll see!!!!
Sooooo Strong in the morning of course, fades throughout the day.
I bought her from Smiley Orchids here in town about 2 weeks ago, in bud. Then I go put her outside in the chid hotel, and I see that I already had that one, bought from her as well about 2 months ago! I was soooo excited!
This morning I looked at the other one I had, and it has about 6 buds ready to pop any day!! I have to admit, that I have sooooo many chids in my hotel, that it takes me a min to see who might be in bloom
But I just LOVE the surprises
Just buy Ms.
V Insignis x Ascda Fuch Gold, and you'll be sooooo pleasantly surprised

I WISH I could put her smell in here for ya!!!