Been a bit since I put up any pics of my blooming orchids so here they are.
1- Kefersteinia tolimensis
2- Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter
3- Miltassia Webmaster 'Shelob'
4- Phal stuartiana
5- Max lankesteri..... can't take credit for this one. It came in a shipment of chids that I got from Tropical Orchid Farm today. I'll try to get pics up of those six sometime over the weekend. The little stinker is loaded with blooms and all the plants were OUTSTANDING! Id reccomend ordering from them anytime!
6- Obviously not an orchid, but a future member of Orchid Chewers of America. I rescued her from the barn this week. I was gonna take a few more pics and give her a thread of her own but Im way too tired

. Its been a very VERY long week.
But there they are and I'll try to get pics up of my new order someime this weekend. Enjoy