Miami Valley Orchid Society (Dayton, Ohio)
I hope I'm posting this in the right part of the forum. I'm not really announcing this show but, rather, asking a couple questions about it.
I can find the date, time, and location for this show, which is happening this weekend, February 16 & 17, but I cannot find any other information. I'd really like to know what vendors will be there, are there any talks being given, etc.?
It's a three-hour drive each way for me, and I don't really mind that. It will get me out of the house, which I could really use this winter! But I'd really like to know if there will be a good selection of sales tables there, as possibly purchasing something would be one of my big reasons for going. Anybody out there that has been to it or is a member of the Miami Valley Orchid Society who can steer me to a specific event schedule or otherwise provide information on whether this would be worth the drive? Thanks!