North Jersey Orchid Society 2015 Summer Auction
Our annual summer auction is August 13. Join us at the Hanover Manor ( for BBQ and orchids. Members and non-Members are welcome! Bring your friends!
Once again, our auctioneer is the esteemed, entertaining, and occasionally X-rated, Patti Lee. Bring your check book or cash as credit cards are not accepted.
This year we are adding a silent auction of 5 fabulous orchids (…) during the social and dinner hours. Once the live auction starts, the silent auction is over. So write in your bid.
The List of orchids (…) in the live auction is ready as are the pictures and culture information (…). As always, the list is subject to change.
Your support and participation in our auction raises funds for outstanding speakers such as Tom Mirenda, Fred Clarke, and Ron McHatton and orchid conservancy, a key element of our society’s charter.