I came v-e-r-y close to canceling my WOC trip today!
My husband and I were turning the corner into our street after doing a Walmart run and saw a large dog and two little ba-bas walking through the street! We both freaked out when we saw them run across the street and decided to follow them. They ran up to a neighbor in his front yard down at the next intersection and we were relieved, thinking they were his...but when we asked he said no, they just showed up a half hour ago! I took 4 cans of Sammi's dog food out of the bags in the back and the guy went inside to get bowls. These dogs WOLFED this food down like they hadn't eaten for a while...but they look really healthy and well taken care of...except for the fact that they were running loose in the street. Our block is very quiet but just two blocks down would've been trouble if they had headed that way. Anyway, the neighbor called the county to come pick them up and he was told they would but they only keep the dogs for 5 days!

Before I knew it, I had my name and phone number written down for when the county showed up. If nobody comes for these dogs within the 5 days, they had to call me! Meanwhile, hubby is reminding me of the WOC trip and I told him we would just have to cancel if we had a new puppy at home.
The dogs were so friendly and sweet, I fell in love instantly! We went driving around to see if we saw anybody "looking" for them and we did find their owner a few blocks away. He said the big guy has gotten out of the yard before....a Great Dane/Pit Bull mix...sweet sweet sweet temperment. The two ba-bas were Rottie mix brother & sister that he rescued recently when some ***hole dumped them on the side of the road.
Happy ending...we drove the guy back to get his dogs, they are now home safe and I'm still going to the WOC...
Next mission: a new puppy when we get back from Miami!!!
Sorry this was a rambler but the whole thing was rather traumatic for me