The Greater Orlando Orchid Society
Location: The Orlando Garden Club, 710 Rollins Street, Orlando, Fl 32803
Dates: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb, 14, 15 and 16, 2014. Show hours Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 10-4.
There will be hundreds of spectacular beautiful blooming orchids for sale and show. Many new hybrids, and species of many genera will be available for purchase and our study group will be selling those hard to find orchid supplies.
Do you have overgrown orchids that need to be repotted? We can repot even the most humongous plants

Repotting services are priced reasonably and you can watch and learn how to do it yourself! We have potting/orchid supplies at great prices.
Many orchids will be raffled off and this is a great chance to win a plant for the price of a ticket!
Conveniently located near Florida Hospital South off of Princeton St.
Admission is FREE!!!! Parking is FREE!!!
We hope you can make it!!
Details :
Welcome to the Greater Orlando Orchid Society