Originally Posted by help
Sorry to hear that ray! I'll pray for your family.
I am going to go to the show on Sunday  I'm soo excited. And i better get a list together.
Anyone else going Sunday? It would be awesome to meet some more ob friends!
You can call me Bob 
I will be there Friday.
Each year, we arrive at about 10 am and go straight to the vendor area

Then, after the judging...which usually takes too long

...we tour the exhibits and take photos.
Afterward, we walk through Longwood's orchid area.
This is followed by a late lunch/early dinner and drive back home
You can't miss me; as my neighbor and I bring our husbands who crack irreverent jokes and tease us the whole time like "Hawkeye and Pierce" /sigh
It's the one "show" trip per year we force them to come
Too bad you won't be there the same day; I saw your exhibit at the Susquahanna show last fall and thought it was really nice

Do you have an exhibit in this show too?