Well folks I did it.

I spent a good amount at the orchid show and added to my collection
here they are ..
Blc (Portage Glacier x Persepolis) 'Carmela'
Blc Success Dream 'Miracles'
Blc Lawless Freischultz 'Carmela'
Blc Lawless Zauberflote 'Rainbow'
C. Summer Spot 'Carmela'
(5 above in 4" pots )
Bc (Little Stars x Maikai) 'Hawaii' in spike 2 blooms (light perfume powder scent at night)
Vanilla Planifola (non variagated leaf) 1/4" at thickest - 20" tall - no blooms
another Schomburgkia Thomasoniana
(almost half for what I paid for the first! woohoo)
a small hanger for my schomb
and a bag of Kelly mix
Yeah Baby!
So who else went and purchased!
Let us know!