I never thought of that! And since I am not going for anything in specific, that could be a great money- saver!!
Thanks for the tip!!
Originally Posted by susiep
Yes, the vendors start reducing the prices at about 2pm on Sunday. This is especially true for anyone that has to travel far or go back through customs. So I got some great prices last year from the Hawaiian vendors. Local vendors don't have the same motivation.
Hi everyone. I went to the show and here's what I bought:
Laelia liliputana
Neostylis 'Lou Sneary' Bluebird
Sediera japonica
Cadetia Taylori
Laelia purpurata var. carnea
A big floofy white orchid for a gift (the tag is stuck in the medium so I don't know the name)
I wish I could have bought more, but I promised myself to behave (at least somewhat)
I go every year since it's like 10 minutes from my house.
I live in the danger zone: close to most of the orchid growers in South Florida, close to OFE international, close to the orchid shows... The most I have to drive is 30 minutes east or south to get to these places. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....it's like putting a kid in a candy store and telling it "NO."
And my friends actually wonder why I have managed to accumulate "so many" orchids in the 2 years that I've been involved in the hobby. I tell them that I'm actually a good girl.
LOL...anytime my husband brings up the subject of us ever moving (we were in each of our 2 first houses for about 5 yrs each, and we're here for 4 so far so )...I give him the criteria list and one of them is where ever we decide to go, it has to be SOUTH!!!