If anyone in the area is interested, Bob Hatos will be a guest speaker tonite. I've seen a lot of his Ascocenda hybrids on this board so thought someone would like to go. I will be there helping him out and taking pics
It's at 8000 NW 21 ST,miami,fla.(or is that doral)at 8pm
see ya
Last edited by Swamper; 08-20-2008 at 03:31 PM..
Reason: address
Thanks for the invite, although I won't be driving over tonight for the talk, but I wish I could.
Let me know (via PM if you'd prefer) how the talk goes. Maybe I can talk to the program chair for the Naples Orchid Society to see if he's interested in inviting Mr. Hatos over here. I've got a couple of his crosses in my collection.
Hey David,
I just got back, Im a little tired. It was great I enjoyed it though it was a small crowd maybe 20-25 people. He told me last time there were about 100. Rolando...Roly went he looked like he was impresseed with his Vandas and Ascdas. Glad I met another person from here. Overall it was great fun.