Gold Country no longer on list. Assume they decided not to come again this year.
Yup. They strung us out until the last minute. We still have a strong list of vendors with some good stuff. I was delighted that TropicalExotique came out of the woodwork... but then, I'm a species nut and they have some really neat things.
Yup. They strung us out until the last minute. We still have a strong list of vendors with some good stuff. I was delighted that TropicalExotique came out of the woodwork... but then, I'm a species nut and they have some really neat things.
Not the same... country code of Tropical Exotica that you mentined, is in Singapore. TropicalExotique is a Thai outfit. Manote Quah is the owner. Doesn't seem to have a website, here's Facebook page TropicalExotique
All sorts of unusual things, pretty much bare-root. I have had a decent success rate with his plants. If you bookmark IOSPE on your phone, a good reference to figure out growing conditions on the fly.
Not the same... country code of Tropical Exotica that you mentined, is in Singapore. TropicalExotique is a Thai outfit. Manote Quah is the owner. Doesn't seem to have a website, here's Facebook page TropicalExotique
All sorts of unusual things, pretty much bare-root. I have had a decent success rate with his plants. If you bookmark IOSPE on your phone, a good reference to figure out growing conditions on the fly.
That's a great idea regarding using ISOPE. I use that all the time when I'm home and considering ordering online.
They are also going to be at the Huntington show and sale.