Well, I am a bit behind. Our patio door woes are almost resolved but, before installation, the deck needed rehabbed. Then the Chief needed his knee repaired. The garden is in and now its time to finally get the orchids to their summer "cabana."
However, we are in the middle of an unrepresented heat wave. It will be 95+ with high humidity for the next 7 days at least. Normally (having some gardening chops) I would have acclimatized them gradually to their summer home. Now, I'm not sure what to do with it being so hot. There is little way to move them that is gradual. They'll come from the house to the slightly shaded cabana.
I only put out the high light lovers: Catts and Cymbs and relatives. Do you guys have thoughts on this move? Their summer home consists of a rack under a beach umbrella. The light is bright but, not direct sun, unless an accident happens. And what about the cymbs? They have been in a slightly shady area of the greenhouse and now are in the shade of the house. I generally put them in full sun.
I may not follow your advise but, I'd surely appreciate it. How do you guys live where it is so hot?! Whew!