Gwen, and its all thanks to you!! Thanks for posting those instructions! Can't wait to see photos of your's! I think I have decided on going to the London Orchid Show next weekend - simply in the hopes of find a variegated Neo!
Sue, Very nicely done with your's! What a creative thing to do! I used the bottle to get a cavity. My Neo (and one of the hybrids) was growing in a small basket with very little - or no - media, so they're very used to having lots of air around the roots. I wanted as much 'space' in the pot as possible.
Snow, if you give it a try, be sure to post photos! I love looking at all the different ones... Here's some inspiration that I found:
Grand Prix
And here was my inspiration for repotting the Dens:
(third photo down, right at the front...)
Grand Prix 2
and here's my Den. williamsonii - about to flower soon!!
and the Den. brymerianum: