Some random questions
I have some random questions for you orchid people. Sorry I haven't been on for a long time. Not much orchid stuff going on in my place. Didn't get any new ones.
1. How did phalaenopsis become the icon of orchids?
2. What is the "stereotypical" phalaenopsis? Amabilis? Some hybrid?
3. Why aren't those bulbs on cymbidiums not called pseudobulbs? (Or maybe they are and I had no idea)
4. What is the maximum degree of seperation for 2 species to be hibridized? You can ceratinly breed oncidium and odontoglossum but can you breed bulbophyllum and paphiopedilum? (It is my dream to breed bulbophyllum fascinator/rothschildianum and a pahiopedilum.)
5. What is the largest orchid flower and how big is it? (Google search shows Largest Orchid (A grammatophyllum species) Flowers (blooms) at some botanical garden.)