Icepengwyn sad news
Not sure how to get the news out there, but my 'co-conspirator' Alex Challis has suffered a very severe health setback Thursday evening and will not be filling any orders any time soon. He sells on e-bay as 'icepengwyn'. If you have ordered from him in the last week or so, please contact me directly. I don't know what his speaking schedule might be, but I assume he has talks lined up. If you are one of those talks, contact me and maybe I can cover. Alex sometimes sells at shows using my business name (Littlefrog Farm). This isn't exactly correct (it is much more informal than that) but it is close enough - and I will try my best to honor any commitments he may have made.
Today I and Kristen (from New World Orchids) went to his house and we each took about half of his plants for safe-keeping. There were some plants that did not survive, but not many - it has been unseasonably hot and dry here in Michigan the last few days - I think we got to the plants in time to salvage the vast majority. We would both be happy to ship any outstanding orders, but we have no access to his e-mail to know what those orders might be. Bear with us while we try to sort this out.
At this point Alex is in a medically induced coma and from my understanding of the situation more likely than not to make some sort of recovery - hopefully a complete recovery. I'm not the right kind of doctor to make those calls with confidence though, and it will definitely take some time. I tend to refer to him as a 'force of nature', if you've met him you know what I mean. I hope to give you better news soon.