Well guys i made out like a bandit this weekend!!
I got 13 orchids for $45.00!!
The owner of Cal-Orchids gave me a beautiful Den. Red Emperor for free! Just like that!!
Here's what i got so far:
1. Blc. Campobello ‘Mendenhall’ HCC/AOS (Bc. Chatooga River x Blc. Golden Galleon)
2. Blc. Tainan Gold ‘Pat Ken’ (Blc. Toshie Aoki x Blc. Waianae Princess)
3. C. Caudebec ‘Marty’s Orchids’ (C. Sophia Martin x C. Penny Kuroda) (two)
4. C. Joseph Wu
5. C. Mossiae ‘Rochelle’ semi-alba species (two)
6. L. Canariensis ‘Golden Glow’
7. L. Purpurata x Lc. C.G. Roebling
8. Rsc. King of Taiwan ‘Da-Hsin’
9. Slc. Brass Town ‘Lipstick’ HCC/AOS
10. Slc. Jeweler’s Art “Waiomao Plum” HCC/AOS
11. Den. Red Emperor
For those who asked the pics are coming up!