SOLD - San Francisco Bay Area, ~15 Phals 4 Sale
These are no longer available
I am winnowing down my Phal collection, I want to make room for other plants and my condidtions, I now realize, aren't ideal for Phals. I am offering 15 or so healthy but not quite thriving plants for much less than I paid for them. I realize this is a shot in the dark as I'm not going to pack and ship these. On the other hand, if you just happen to be in the Bay Area, and are able to provide good Phal conditions, then get in touch and I'll send a list. I have species and hybrids, mounted and potted in Orchiata mix, some in low or old spike or pvsly bloomed and some NBS. These all came from good growers and I will only charge for the ones that are doing well, any that are struggling I'd throw in for free. In the right conditions I know these would all take off.
Last edited by D_novice; 03-22-2017 at 12:04 AM..
Reason: sold