I have many goofs, but the latest goof is the one that really hurt the most. And it happened last weekend.
I have always wanted to have a keiki grow out on a phal spike. Don't really know why, but it is just something I have always looked forward to happening. Five years growing orchids, and still not a single keiki on any orchid.
I have a phal equestris that has been blooming for about the past 5 months, pumping out new flowers as the old ones die. The spike grew to over one and half feet in length, which is really not ideal because I have it in a terrarium and it was getting harder and harder to accommodate that growing spike. So last week I decided to just go ahead and cut the spike - did so without carefully looking at the spike. After I cut the spike, I noticed a tiny keiki growing near the end of the spike! I could not believe it! Praying for a keiki for five years, finally get one and cut the damn spike!
I put the spike in water hoping I could keep the keiki alive, but the whole thing just shriveled up after a few days.