My mom and I drove down to the Mass. Orchid Show yesterday and I may have gone a little crazy... but, what can I say, Andy was there and he has so many things I want!
Here's what I ended up with, checking several of my 'wants' of my ever growing list as I went.
Andy's Orchids:

Left - right back row:
Masd. rolfeana, Masd. floribunda, Masd. atropurpurea
Front, left-right:
Masd. brachyura and Restrepia trichoglossa
Then from Bob Cleaveland and Marlow's I got some dwarf catts on my list:
Laelia praestans, Cattleya aclandiae and Laelia dayana
Finally, after we finished at the show, we wanted to go check out the historic Lyman Estate Green House. They also sell plants (and had an orchid sale I couldn't go to two weeks ago). I found a couple orchids I hadn't heard of before and also a couple that I thought were good values. I also got to check a want off of my list here too!

In the back is a large clump of
Maxillaria sophronitis, then the front I got
Cadetia taylori, Nageliella pupurea and a variegated
Den. moniliforme. The last I had hoped to pick up from New World Orchids at the show, but I didn't see any moniliforme at their stand and they were quite busy while I was there and didn't get a chance to ask. I was so happy when I found it at the Lyman Estate (for $10 to boot!).
So, anyway, successful and exciting trip and I am still coming down of my orchid high
