What ever happened to the Orchid Spring website?
I used to spend a lot of time lurking on the Orchid Spring website/forum based out of Papua New Guinea. It was habituated by many of the noted orchid luminaries found from S.E. Asia through Oceania, O'Byrne, Arditti, and others whose names do not come to mind right now. The harangues and slugfests that went on between these people were very entertaining as well as informative. I hadn't been by there for a very long time. I found the link in my Favorites just a little bit ago and tried to visit the site. It seems to be down or gone. Anyone know the statue of Orchid Spring?
to correct Peter O'Byrne's name. I may have gotten Dr. Arditti's name wrong also. Yep, I did - Joseph Arditti.
I can't remember the others and I won't even try, 'cause I'll just mess them up too. The site was operated by Wolfgang H. Bandisch.
Last edited by voyager; 07-06-2016 at 02:29 AM..