Someone told me there is someone selling orchids not that far away from me- three hours. I didnt know we had any selling orchids in my country, so I was thrilled.
Roadtrip on saturday, and I had these cuties with me home. Lol, I hate shopping clothes and make up- I dont care about neither of that- so thats my excuse to spend money on plants instead😎
And the box contains:
Paphiopedilum Venustum
Paphiopedilum Tonsum
Paphiopedilum maudiae vinicolor schwarze madonna
Phalaenopsis Species Uni Leiden (no idea how this one looks)
Phalaenopsis Hieroglyphica
Phalaneopsis Liodoro (in spike)
Phalaenopsis cornings violet (in spike)
Cycnodes wine delight
Catasetum pileatum Pierre Couret x pileatum Red Pena HCC/AOS
Catasetum Fimbriata golden horizont
Catasetum Susan Fuchs Sun Face
Catasetum Sanguineum (small one)
Psychopsis Mariposa 'GV'
Schoenorchis Fragrans
Dendrobium Munificum
Dendrobium Stratiotes (kinda small)
Dendrobium Specatible (small one)
Brasiliorchis schunkeana
Bulbophyllum Macranthum
Bulbophyllum Rufinum
I gave the Schoenorchis a new home
This is the Uni Leiden

I like the leaves and the roots. No- I think I love them😎
If anyone want me to post picture of any of them, just let me know
I just have to say it was an amazing roadtrip. Not only did I find orchid-plants in my country, (and that was really a joy) but the lady was soooo freaking awesome- in every way. Like meeting someone and feeling you have known them for a long time.
So, I have had a really lovely weekend☺️
And no, I dont feel guilty for buying all those cuties. I feel really happy😎
Lol- my hubby commented space though. But I have always room for more plants😂