Hi Mateo,
which Amorphophallus do you have? (just curious

) These plants are very easy to keep... you only have to take care of watering and feeding them regularly (and a lot!) during the vegetative period. Remember they need a lot of water and nutrients to rebuild the tuber (that has been totally consumed during the growing period!). Here two links that helped me a lot when started growing Amorphophallus in my apartment:
International Aroid Society
The Genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) - Titan Aroids <-- This guy also sells different species, but check if you can get them in the USA, as his plants can be quite expensive and shipping costs could just push them up. Don't worry about buying small tubers. Within one year or two they will become real monsters (e.g. Amorphophallus konjak: I recived a tuber 1.5 inches diameter and within one year it was 7 inches and about 3 pounds!)
It is also very important to keep the tuber dry (and best unpotted, but wrapped in newspapers and dark) during the dormant period, as they are very sensible to rot and worms attack...
...and last but not least, ensure you have a lot of space for the plant (they can be real giants!) and a place outside (protected from cold) to place the flowering ones - the flowers are amzingly beautifull, but they can smell like havind Mr. Lucifer in the living room

My experience: easy to keep and quite nice too: A. bulbiber (not that large plant) and A. konjak. Don't be tempted for A. paeoniifolius or A. titanum, unless you have a veru very very big greenhouse!!!
As per Tacca.. I am not of much help, but I have heard they need a very high air humidity around them, and therefore are not supposed to be suitable for indoor...