i just went to it on sunday and briefly took a couple of poor photos, i hope u all enjoy, the best in show is a HUGE!!! yellow dendrobrium that i forgot the name of, but it is in my pictures near the beginniing. i hope u all enjoy
i bought myself a oncidium twinkle "fragrance fantasy" from clouds and a pleurothallis restrepioides (i hope it will grow ok)
It was great Ross. I went first thing on the Saturday, because I knew what I wanted when I got there, and didn't want to miss out on my vandas. You can see them in my thread on the Beginner Forum "Buying Orchids is too Easy" .... or I guess you can just go to my gallery.
Philoserenus, I have a Oncidium Twinkle at home and I love it. It's lost most of the blooms now, but it smells really nice when they are there. Reeeeeeaaaally cute.
It was a great show! I got to see all the plants before the crowds, cause I was clerking. The huge best of show dend was a dend speciosum var compactum (didn't look compact to me)....it really stank though (like windex with ammonia and bleach)
yes i wish i could go early too but i couldnt since i went skiing with some friends on saturday. but it was definitely worth going for sure. the first round of blooms are wilting on my twinkles but the second round will be coming through.
at this point i cannot tell if the flower are supposed to be white or cream, haha. considering itz wilting and itz this colour