There is a NoID Phal that was abandoned when my director got fired. I've taken it under my care, because as an orchid grower I cannot allow an orchid to die by being forgotten in the window of an empty office. It's doing fabulous under my care. I instructed my old director to not cut the flower spike, after I assured her that the plant was not dying just because the flowers died.
The flower spike stayed green and healthy, instead of drying out. Since being under my care the flower spike has grown a new small spike from one node and another is starting from a second. I'm leaving this job at the end of May and I'm considering taking it with me and planting it in the terrarium I'm planning. True to form, I've grown kind of attached to this NoID 'chid.
I'm afraid if I leave it here they won't care for it properly and it will die. It's doing so well, that I can't bare the thought of it dying. Especially because a lot of people seem to think that they need to re-pot orchids in dirt, even though the plant was in orchid bark media!
Has anyone else taken into their care an orchid that was left behind? Doesn't that just fall right in line with being an orchid grower?!