Well, I drove to the town 1.5 hours away. I was fairly irked when they had not come across with my order of the 4 large terrariums. All they had were these tiny little 12X12X18 type terrariums. I told them about my irk, and my feeling of betrayal, (sorry, I have been known to barter in low-down ways) and got 2 for 1/2 price. Small, not my favorite, but I must say those teeny-tiny orchids get mobbed in those bigger tanks anyway.
I spent the night in the motel. Stangely the bed was hard and awful. I am totally used to sleeping on a couch in the living room! Laying flat is strange to me! (Too poor for rent, not too poor for orchids!
Graduate School!)
This morning, (12/23) I did what I should have done to begin with. I reviewed the DYI Fishkeeping Youtubes about taking fish tanks apart, I called a glass business in the town 1.5 hours away. Where I live the glass stores only deal in window glass, and I wondered if the same was for the larger town (Were 30,000 pop, they're 150,000 pop). To my surprise I could get 1/4 inch glass cut and edge sanded to my specifications for a decent price (about 24$) So a little after the phone call I rounded up some sharp razor knives and scrapers, and decided that I would not send the big terrarium back after all, I would change the glass. This is done all the time for fish tanks. The procedure is the same. You have a black plastic frame, and some glass caulked in place.
So, after all that, I will have the big terrarium for the bigger (but still small) orchids. The third terrarium I have not removed from its packaging yet.
To think this all started with a stinking fish tank!!!!