I ordered a large 18X18X24 terrarium from a well known online store that is also the name of a giant river in South America. This terrarium had a different vendor, and I am not sure how they do things in their Amazon warehouses, but someone threw it into a box, and threw a bit of newspaper on top of it, with no other packing or support, so when the UPS people brought it to my doorstep, it was a crushed, glassy mess. Thanks for the pile of broken glass, Big Brown Truck!!!
So glad I got free shipping. Not.
Opening it, I realized that I could not have this glass mess in my house, and informed store that has a name like a river that I would be sending it back via Big Brown Truck.
In my normal Irish Red-Headed Scorpio anger, contacted a pet store (one of the Co/Smart ones) and asked if they had the same terrarium. I decided to drive 1.5 hours and get the sucker myself. The nice lady on the other side of the call said it was not one they normally stocked. I was like,


I had an idea, and asked if they could order it. She said no, yes, no, yes for awhile, and then finally, I will look it up. She looked it up, and I actually got a sweet deal on the 18X18X24. So sweet, I think she was looking at the wrong page.
I kept on asking insistantly if it was (brand name) and if it was glass. She kept saying yes, so I ordered 4 of them.
She also said that the truck will deliver at 6pm and I could come and pick them up then (a week from monday).
Well, I hate driving down long unlit highways at night, so I decided that I was going to get a motel room there in the city 1.5 hours away. I would spend some time chilling and having a mini-vacation!
I am still asking, did she order the right thing? If she did, then I will be doing the happy dance. My mini orchids will have a fabulous new home! 4 new homes! I will be able to collect a lot of orchids! Cool!
In Part 2, I will update everyone on my trip, and if the terrariums were Really 18X18X24 and glass!