First to start off, I want to let all know that Marlow's is having an open house November 7th. He also has a guest vendor, Glen, from Piping Rock orchids with his Paphs and Phrags.
Now to my trip. I once again braved the 4 hour trip to Rochester to combine a visit with Jim at Marlow's and also to meet fellow OB member Judith. We had a lovely visit and, of course, bought more orchids

I bought:
Den. kingianum variegated form
Den. Cherry Song -Enobi Purple splash
(Gntm Giant - Rhein Harlekin x Blmtm midnight blue ) x Jumping Jack
Brassidium Nittany Gold -Dr. John
Hwa. Lava Burst - punami
Judith also gave me a Bulb. medusa and a Max tenulolia. Thank you Judith for that.