Originally Posted by Jackie26085
Now here is my question: for those of you who don't have a green house, why do you find bulbophylum attractive? Don't the flowers stink?
I can't offer much on your other questions, but genus Bulbophyllum is comprised of thousands of species with great diversity of pollinator syndromes; only a small minority truly 'stink' to the average human nose. To my nose, most fragrant Bulbos aren't really good OR bad, smelling like fresh mushrooms, overripe fruit, etc., odors I don't mind experiencing from a flower but that I probably wouldn't seek out either. Many others smell very sweet and pleasant, producing some of my favorite orchid fragrances. Even among those that actually smell really foul, only a very few are so redolent as to be detectable without shoving your nose in them (also true of the 'good' and 'neutral' ones, BTW). Try to check some out in person, and really get your nose in there-- Of the 100+ species I've sniffed to date, probably only one or two actually made me want to retch.
Re: why someone would find Bulbophyllums attractive, I can only speak for myself but why
wouldn't I find them attractive? They tend to have beautiful growth habit and foliage, most are remarkably tough and vigorous when their basic needs are met, and as a genus they demonstrate incredible diversity of floral forms and pollinator associations. Some make very large, showy flowers for months at a time, or bloom in huge flushes multiple times per year. Many are extremely colorful and all have fascinatingly intricate floral morphology.
Also, I don't grow orchids just to have pretty flowers and smells around, though those are certainly nice, too. Another reason I grow them is because I marvel at all their myriad adaptations, including in a few species the attraction of carrion-fly pollinators via rotting-meat mimicry. So while I wouldn't dream of giving my wife a Bulbophyllum echinolabium corsage, I do think it's a beautiful plant well worth growing, even on a windowsill.
Have fun at Orchids in the Park!