I was in orchid heaven yesterday at the WOC and came home with 17 new 'chids:
Dialaeliacattleya Winter Fantasy - in bloom & lots of buds
Epi schomburgkia
Phrag bessae - 2 buds...*now in bloom with two buds behind it!
Blc Mary Ellen Carter 'Dixie Hummingbird' HCC/AOS
Den Mimi Snowflake
Bc Bill Worsley x L cinnabarinum - in bud - Named plant: Bsp Robert Randall, now in bloom
Lc Purple Cascade 'Shiang Beauty'
Blc Wainae Leopard 'Ching Hua' HCC/AOS
Den bullenianum
Masd zahlbruckneri - replacement for the one I lost

Trias disciflora - stinker? Hope not!

Eria convallaroides
Masd infracta
Onc Tsiku Marguerite - in bloom
Den unicum - also a replacement
L tenebrosa - FINALLY!
Lc Trick or Treat