My daughter names all her plants.... I am with Ray....the orchids are sweet babies and pretty girls when in bloom or putting out new roots and @#%&$%&&%!!@ when they are not growing good roots, stalled or haven't bloomed in over a year... I recently threatened a Dendrochilium that sat there for 8 months and after the stern talking I had with it, including the verbiage that I was going to throw it away, It promptly put out three inflorescences....
Really inventive. I'm afraid I'm like others and boringly use the real name. I've never been good at inventive names... one reason my username is my real name.
Originally Posted by camille1585
Only my noids have been given names, but those are more like adoptive names than nicknames. I'm not very creative and they're called 'big yellow' , 'speckled yellow', 'the moody one' 'smelly catt'. And even those are not really set in stone.
Same here, except mine are set once I've named them. It helps me remember which is which to have a tag even if it's not a real name. Having said that though, I can recognise pretty much all of them without the tag. You just get to know their individual characteristics as you see them all the time.
I don't generally give my orchids nicknames like this, but if one is under-performing I sometimes start referring to it as "Mulch" or "Compost" to see if it gets the hint...
Your dendrobium is Comet King 'Akatsuki'.
I have one in bloom also. How do you like the scent?
I love mine.
By the way, I only give nicknames to NOIDs since I want to call them or remember them by something other than just NOID #1, NOID #2....
but mines are normally much more boring than yours. hahaha
Hadn't thought much about it, but I suppose certain descriptions do come to mind with certain orchids. I'll post some later with pics, but for now, enjoy the term "Spider-Phal".
I grow Neofinetia falcata. Every plant I own has a Japanese name. The Japanese are far more memorable than what I can devise. Here is my Neofinetia falcata "Yoroidishi"