Originally Posted by Ross

I'm a Nanny?!?
Looked at it like that I guess I could add that to my Résumé right along side Vacuum cleaner Pilot, Linoleum Masseuse and Parrot Gopher, lol.
She brought another one home the other day that just blew me out of my socks ... talk about huge ... I'll see if I can find the camera and take a pic and post it here.
Hot diggity dog, the camera was actually where it was supposed to be ... didn't have to stumble around looking for the blasted thing, lol ... anyhow, here is the MONSTER that my sweety brought home.
Dendrobium Crysotoxim (?) (Probably totally butchered the spelling there but, hey... I'm only an underpaid Nanny)
So it has to hang smack dab in the middle of everything ... cuz thar t'aint no more room

About six years or so ago right when she started working there, she had to mount some things for the first time and the boss had told her to go ahead and "build" one for herself. Well hanging in the greenhouse for all these years kind of did it just a tad on the
good side as far as allowing it to grow in the direction it wanted to.
Now that we have our own space ... the madness gets serious.
... I was just struck by something (and it wasn't the seeds and stuff that my Parrots always throw at me ... and some of those little buggers have great aim too ... anyhow I digress from my digression) I wrote "underpaid" there didn't I?
Pay!?! What's that? I don't even get an allowance! She keeps me barefoot (Thank the heavens I can't get pregnant!) and shackled to the cleaning supply closet all day long.