Ultimatum to Save Current Lobby Phal
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Old 07-25-2014, 02:18 PM
judith_arquette judith_arquette is offline
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Ultimatum to Save Current Lobby Phal Female

JMNYC- Good luck!!! Will be looking for updates <3
Old 07-26-2014, 01:35 PM
JMNYC JMNYC is offline
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Ultimatum to Save Current Lobby Phal

Originally Posted by judith_arquette View Post
JMNYC- Good luck!!! Will be looking for updates <3
Thanks so much for this, Judith! (Upstate NY is one of America's best kept secrets.)

This is a kind of reality show I now get. And I do have updates.....all I need to do is post my recent emails to Jimmy. So interesting, all of it, and goes far beyond the apparent issue re the phals.

Involves how commerce manipulates taste with imagery to make money, involves we are all in this together, also just another example of my destiny as a member of my building community! Also, all of the above= painful, but that's part of life, and what moves us to help fix things.

Hold on, I pasted the last emails into WORD and will now transfer them here.

Page Title

Jimmy, Use link; one of the few remaining good businesses in our flower district.

See their phals....those they pot double are in proper pots! SMALL....not obscenely gargantuan with empty space filled with tons of cheap Chilean moss causing root rot immediately, as what the killer florist down the street does!

But only demand & accept anything, in a pot with DRAINAGE. So it can be cared for normally and its health retained and supported. You just PUT A SAUCER UNDER IT.

Bet they charge less than what you are paying Killer Florist to do what causes them to start dying immediately! Even if not, at least, finally you will be getting wut U pay for….and NOT BEING AN UNWITTING PARTY TO MURDER.

Sickening. When I removed them…. saw what I knew right off I would see in the midst of a truckload of wet moss….I stood there at the sink in the kitchen in my bare feet and I cried.


Jimmy!!!! Use link!!! Same guys! Not that far away!

I would call them or email them. Go there! Ask questions, you KNOW stuff now….important stuff…. tell them what U want and that we would be an ongoing account. Chase data! They deliver.

Tell them why you are disgusted with the guy you've been using.

I know, not right down the street. Big deal! Let them send pics of new cultivars to choose from to yr phone!!!!! This is doable!!!

U very smart, we all get that.....use the smarts fuelled by the new information!!!

Sigh. As expected....for the reasons I shared, the one with the crown rot I saw right off, started yellowing immediately and the upper Leaf loosened and fell off. I just threw it out, RIP.

How it might HAVE gotten this, I have no clue. Either he GOT water in the crown CAUSE HE'S A MORON OR CARELESS, left it, or someone in this building who don know anything......got it in there. In an already unwell and stressed phal with rotting roots… that's the coup de gras.

The other one, it appears as of right now….. I believe might make it and regain health over time, not sure....but it at least has a shot (Yay!!!!!)….so, we will see.

Jimmy.....if you insist on the BS potting of two of a given cultivar in one pot cause you and most of the pathetic marketplace for phals, those with assets and no information and do not care, cept how stuff looks, and even then that must reflect the health of something, and in this event it DOES NOT AT ALL.....pls know when phals are in bud, they should not BE REPOTTED (THO SOME DO IT ANYHOW & think it’s OK; I don do it).....but shallow people don care, don't wanna know, they see some pic in a magazine or something on TV and they buy into it. Sickening. Slaves of imagery via commerce. Don’t let yr Libra rising trump yr smarts!!!!

.I wouldn't repot, I would tell him to do what I wrote.....but for the uncaring about living beings risking the health of the plants....if you insist on twin cultivars and so, repotting, they must have some of their original moss removed from the roots and the two plants put together in a new SMALL pot WITH DRAINAGE

Have much work to do.......If this, for me, unexpectedly depressing chronology leads to your learning important things.... and to do the right thing for all living beings involved (starting with YOU, as usual).....then, this pain will have been worth it.

This reminds me of when I got the reality of the Just Cooling phonies and thieves who had actually convince you we needed to open a whole new hole in the lobby have a second unit installed for a billion dollars cause they were morons…. leapt in, the Staff din get it, I hadda chase U around to show you our best in the world Mitsubishi, then, practically new, is 30K BTUs….I found and consulted with Alan in Atlanta, even tried to set up phone conference between hi and Justin but lowlife Justin declined….….fabulous Alan in Atlanta, the Mitsubishi cooling engineer!!!

Saved us a fortune, but FAR more important, stopped the exploitation!!!!… and then I found Mr. Girish. THIS IS VERY MUCH THE SAME, just involving our phals. I guess it’s part of my destiny.

Stressful, but also, for me, always a real privilege to contribute. We are each here for different and many reasons, and we R all in this together. Including the PHALS.


Last edited by JMNYC; 07-26-2014 at 01:50 PM..
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Old 07-26-2014, 01:48 PM
JMNYC JMNYC is offline
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Ultimatum to Save Current Lobby Phal

HI. Just made fast pics to illustrate some of the above. First, took pitched one with the crown rot from the garbage to make a pic.....painful to behold, but it is what it is for the reasons we now know. Sad, but if all involved learn, then it's all good.

Next took the second one down to make pic (in the small white plastic pot with my usual added openings).....I think she will make it! I sure hope!! You do what you can.
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Old 07-27-2014, 03:32 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Because this thread is causing a lot of upset from various members I have decided to close it.

JMNYC you have had warnings privately about this thread and others, relating to negative comments about others, whether members or not. In the interest of fairness I am making that fact public because some people see my earlier public warnings, relating to other members more blatant rudeness, as unfair and I can see their point.

Please everyone keep things friendly, we do NOT accept rudeness to others here, whether that be blatant, or a build up of more subtle/hidden comments.

Right, having lost most of my vacation day Friday, and the only time I had to do watering yesterday, to various PM's relating to this, I'm off today to spend time with my orchids. In this heat my poor mounts must be gasping

Last edited by RosieC; 07-27-2014 at 03:37 AM..
Old 07-31-2014, 04:16 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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JMNYC has sent me an update on this thread and I'm going to post parts of it here. JMNYC after discussion with Sonya I've removed/edited some parts which we felt some members might object to. This will be the last post on this thread because I know some of our members enjoyed hearing the story and will want to have the final update.

Originally Posted by JMNYC
Final report.
Preface: Cultivating and employing Eyes by Marcel Proust, it’s always thrilling to discover the real purpose of any chronology of events. In this, it was no way about my getting two more Phals to grow; it was about nuclear issues in the journey of a close friend I adore: Jimmy. To the manor born, raised not to do for himself, but to be as smart as he is (VERY) while also having others do everything for him. As did his father before him and his grandfather before that I have learned. A dangerous trap that lurks for a boss, and someone with means, and over time, hugely crippling in real ways.
So, if you can now get the foundational gift purpose… this all has been thrilling beyond belief.
Edit: The summary of the next bit which I've excluded is that it turns out the flourist didn't know about how to care for orchids, and was coming in each week to water with ice cubes.

Originally Posted by JMNYC
Now, we have two new gorgeous ones on the display table; as Jimmy asked for, AFTER HAVING LEARNED THE BASICS AND the REASONS for them…each is in an individual, proper sized CLAY pot, those, not even in cache pots. And Jimmy decided, with my usual cheerleading encouragement…to now learn to tend them himself! Not only will this put an end to their inevitable suffering and demise….it will impact Jimmy in the most precious ways imaginable, big picture!
I also suggested HE may soon well be moved to take them after their booms fade and they are still healthy…..and, should he wish, I will tell him everything he needs to know over time to maybe grow them himself in his apartment……he could also take them to his summer/weekend home in South Hampton and grow them there!
Is life amazing? It truly is! But only when we see with eyes by….Marcel.

None of this was about me….except, as SO often, as an agent. Thrilling and humbling.
So, the one with the obvious crown rot, yellowed and fell apart almost immediately.
I didn’t really think I could save the other, but I tried anyhow, I always do. Leaves started yellowing, I scored one leaf, dampened and covered the scores with cinnamon….also did a Physan drench when the moss was nearly dry…..but I got it was too late: the disease process kicked in very early after this “florist” did what he does…..I mean, with all of ours over much time. Over YEARS.
But all this has bene a HUGE blessing!!! So much to learn here! It’s humbling and thrilling. Only incidentally about the orchids, and, that from now on our will remain happy and healthy with normal bloom intervals!!!! Jimmy is NOW, as if by accident (NOT) breaking a pattern, being empowered in new ways….meant to have ripple effects of the most positive kind. THRILLING.
I will now throw the poor remaining one out……I just made a pic and will put it up.
Old 07-31-2014, 04:17 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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JMNYC has sent me an update on this thread and I'm going to post parts of it here. JMNYC after discussion with Sonya I've removed/edited some parts which we felt some members might object to. This will be the last post on this thread because I know some of our members enjoyed hearing the story and will want to have the final update.

Originally Posted by JMNYC
Final report.
Preface: Cultivating and employing Eyes by Marcel Proust, it’s always thrilling to discover the real purpose of any chronology of events. In this, it was no way about my getting two more Phals to grow; it was about nuclear issues in the journey of a close friend I adore: Jimmy. To the manor born, raised not to do for himself, but to be as smart as he is (VERY) while also having others do everything for him. As did his father before him and his grandfather before that I have learned. A dangerous trap that lurks for a boss, and someone with means, and over time, hugely crippling in real ways.
So, if you can now get the foundational gift purpose… this all has been thrilling beyond belief.
Edit: The summary of the next bit which I've excluded is that it turns out the flourist didn't know about how to care for orchids, and was coming in each week to water with ice cubes.

Originally Posted by JMNYC
Now, we have two new gorgeous ones on the display table; as Jimmy asked for, AFTER HAVING LEARNED THE BASICS AND the REASONS for them…each is in an individual, proper sized CLAY pot, those, not even in cache pots. And Jimmy decided, with my usual cheerleading encouragement…to now learn to tend them himself! Not only will this put an end to their inevitable suffering and demise….it will impact Jimmy in the most precious ways imaginable, big picture!
I also suggested HE may soon well be moved to take them after their booms fade and they are still healthy…..and, should he wish, I will tell him everything he needs to know over time to maybe grow them himself in his apartment……he could also take them to his summer/weekend home in South Hampton and grow them there!
Is life amazing? It truly is! But only when we see with eyes by….Marcel.

None of this was about me….except, as SO often, as an agent. Thrilling and humbling.
So, the one with the obvious crown rot, yellowed and fell apart almost immediately.
I didn’t really think I could save the other, but I tried anyhow, I always do. Leaves started yellowing, I scored one leaf, dampened and covered the scores with cinnamon….also did a Physan drench when the moss was nearly dry…..but I got it was too late: the disease process kicked in very early after this “florist” did what he does…..I mean, with all of ours over much time. Over YEARS.
But all this has bene a HUGE blessing!!! So much to learn here! It’s humbling and thrilling. Only incidentally about the orchids, and, that from now on our will remain happy and healthy with normal bloom intervals!!!! Jimmy is NOW, as if by accident (NOT) breaking a pattern, being empowered in new ways….meant to have ripple effects of the most positive kind. THRILLING.
I will now throw the poor remaining one out.
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