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Old 03-26-2014, 10:44 PM
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Default Orchid Burn-out

Anyone else suffer from this? How do the super-growers handle this? Do they even go through it?

This isn't the first time and not too bad an episode. Just planning on a heavy handed cull.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 03-26-2014, 10:56 PM
Ferns Daddy Ferns Daddy is offline
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Orchid Burn-out Male

I don't think its really burn out, I think its been a long cold winter for lots of us and we want to get out side soon, I've been out looking at my shade area where I put my orchids in the summer and I just want to start being out side with them and have had it with being stuck in doors all winter.
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Old 03-27-2014, 12:22 AM
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Orchid Burn-out

Right now, I'm actually getting rid of a bunch that have ceased to thrill me and am trying a few new ones. I have already given away a bunch and have more tagged to follow.
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Old 03-27-2014, 12:24 AM
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I think that is why many of us grow other plants aside from orchids...it may also be that you are just feeling the need to specialize more...I know I reached a point where instead of collecting one of everything that struck my fancy I switched over to 2-3 genus and little more (this is where I am still at today, though I grow far fewer cymbidiums and far more dendrobiums...though that has more to do with a cross country move and a drastically smaller greenhouse...) March on!
I've never met an orchid I couldn't kill...
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Old 03-27-2014, 01:47 AM
lotis146 lotis146 is offline
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Orchid Burn-out Female

I'm a relatively new Orchidist and haven't experienced a "burn out" as you call it but I can understand this. I can see what stonedragonfarms is saying about growing other plants. Looking ahead I wonder if perhaps a "burn out" occurs when one's plants are without blooms? I can see myself buying new plants when I'm waiting on new blooms. But then I worry that I'll "out grow" my space in the house. It's these non-blooming periods that I would think causes people to burn out.

Then again as I look around for new plants to buy (I'm planning on a couple Oncidiums (my first ever)) I'm discovering just how many there are and that fact alone could make people burn out.

So again, not experienced this myself, but just wanted to share what this topic sparks in a newbie!

Hope your "burn out" is resolved as the weather does. I know I can't wait to put mine outside and get to working with plants in the garden.

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Old 03-27-2014, 02:02 AM
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It wasn't the winter. Winter was mostly in the upper 60's. I actually went to the beach in January (but you have my sympathies ).

I know I'm keeping the Neo's, losing the Trade Joe's hybrid Catts. Trying not to commit to culling too much, might regret it later. I should join an OS just to donate chids.

I suppose I focus on foliage. Interesting foliage plants are keepers in my mind right now. And unusual blooms or blooming habit. And growth habit.

OMG. I have orchid ADHD!

I'm an apartment dweller with finite space. I have some Pinguiculas and experience has taught me outdoor growing here is a constant battle against pests (stray cats sunning in my herb planters, mounted orchid molested by squirrels, diligent scale inspections on my one potted fruit tree).

I know this will pass. Just wondered if others suffered as well.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 03-27-2014, 07:11 AM
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Orchid Burn-out Male

Pick a plant that is known to be difficult to grow, and work your ass off trying to grow it well.

That'll fix you.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 03-27-2014, 07:49 AM
IncurablePlantHead IncurablePlantHead is offline
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I actually started growing orchids after hitting something of a wall with all the tropical fruit trees, palms and native flora. Fortunately, those being long term perennials, they were able to wait for my my recovery. Now the orchids are just another obcession which by the way look wonderful in and around the trees.
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Old 03-27-2014, 08:14 AM
MattWoelfsen MattWoelfsen is offline
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Originally Posted by AnonYMouse View Post
It wasn't the winter. Winter was mostly in the upper 60's. I actually went to the beach in January (but you have my sympathies ).

I know I'm keeping the Neo's, losing the Trade Joe's hybrid Catts. Trying not to commit to culling too much, might regret it later. I should join an OS just to donate chids.

I suppose I focus on foliage. Interesting foliage plants are keepers in my mind right now. And unusual blooms or blooming habit. And growth habit.

OMG. I have orchid ADHD!

I'm an apartment dweller with finite space. I have some Pinguiculas and experience has taught me outdoor growing here is a constant battle against pests (stray cats sunning in my herb planters, mounted orchid molested by squirrels, diligent scale inspections on my one potted fruit tree).

I know this will pass. Just wondered if others suffered as well.

Whew! I'm glad to hear your Neos are staying! We cannot have any backsliders in the Neofinetia world. Your comment about getting rid of the Trader Joe plants struck a chord with me. That is what I am doing--I'm giving away all of my big box purchases to friends and orchid society folks who will take them--selling them each for $5 and donating the money to the society. It is a wrenching experience to part with some of these plants--they were my trial by error, learn as you grow plants. But they are all too big and I need the space for my smaller, special plants.

One last comment, I think I'm cured of my penchant for going to a grocery store or home improvement center for groceries and what not, and ending up with more orchids. I can even go to the garden section of some of these stores and admire them but I have no desire to buy them. Now, if I can go to eBay, look at the plants offered, watch them to see how much they went for, AND NOT PLACE A BID, this will be a break through for me!

AninYMouse, I feel your pain. :-)
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Old 03-27-2014, 08:23 AM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Orchid Burn-out Male

I had severe orchid fatigue a few months back. I wrote a lengthy post on it too. What cured me? I changed my system-- both growing and how I looked at orchid cultivation. Instead of volume I turned to mastering what these plants demand and growing them as well as I know how and learning more to improve every day. Is my collection amazing? Nope. But it's always headed in that direction even if it is slow.

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bad, episode, handed, planning, time, burn-out, orchid

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